Putting a 'z' on the end of skills makes me totally down with the kids, right?
It's day 21 of January and I've already failed pretty much every single one of my resolutions. Yep. Still eating ALL OF THE FOOD, still getting myself a Grade A in procrastination and still not keeping up regular blog updates.
I'm too old for this new year, new me BS.
So, since I'm still nurturing my food baby (it's due in a week. Send presents), I decided I'd focus on a different mantra I'm trying out for 2015.
Nope, I'm not talking about breaking the World Record for how many Celebrations I can eat in one day (although I'd smash that tbh). I'm taking ACTUAL SKILLS. Sidenote: I haven't properly thought this through, because I felt like chucking all my ideas on here whilst I remembered them. A bit like word vomit.
Whatever. I'm getting cheese fries.
Right. So, instead of thinking about how I'm going to change myself into some sort of flawless Beyoncé sidekick, I've decided that I'm gonna try and learn some new skills to make myself seem more interesting instead. That's the plan anyway. I'll keep y'all posted.
I've been staring at a blank screen for about three days now and I've only come up with three things so here goes.
1) Learn to drive. I've wanted to learn to drive since I turned 17, but my excuse was either not having enough money (I once got paid 82p an hour by accident...), not having time or just being scared. So, to give me a big fat kick up the ass, I ask for a few starter lessons for Christmas and TA-DAH. I have started to learn to drive. Two lessons in and I can officially go forward, turn left AND not run anyone/anything over or drive on the path. Call me The Stig.
2) Learn more pole skills. I stopped going to my pole fitness class in July last year after fudging up my knee somehow. I was ready to go back in September/October time, but again fear held me back. Fear of causing more injury, fear of being crap, fear of - well, everything really. And a hint of laziness as well.
I actually started going back to classes a few weeks ago, and although I've actually remembered a LOT more than I thought I would, I'm still a long way off where I left off. I'm pretty determined to get right back up there, so I've decided to learn one new trick or skill a week, even if it's something I learnt before and need to re-learn if that makes sense. I'm rambling.
I've already learn new hoop and silks skills (fanceh) and done my first ever headstand, so I think I'm off to a good start. Until next week, where I'll probably spend the whole class falling off or something stupid.
3) Learn to ignore the #haterz. Figured I should learn some sort of new life skill too, so I've decided to try and stop reading comments on things I write and just let the haters, er, hate.
If you didn't know, I'm a freelance journalist, and I mainly write for Sugarscape and Yahoo Celebrity. As you'd probably expect, not everyone is always so keen on what I write, how I write it and why I write it, and some stories get some pretty brutal comments. Or I get tweeted telling me I suck and need a new career. Not exactly a confidence booster.
SO, I've decided that I need to stop letting stupid comments like that get to me and realise that I'm actually doing okay as I am thanks (until I'm asked to change something by editors, of course). I'm not perfect, my writing's not perfect and we all make mistakes now and then. As long as I try my best and work my backside off, I figure I'll be okay.
Although the two sites I write for are keen for an 'informal' style of journalism (don't know if that's the correct phrase, but y'know), and like their writers to add personality in their writing, mainly in hinting at opinions on the story within the story. That probably doesn't make any sense does it? ANYWHO. I obviously try and stick to this style, but I also try and make sure I'm not being derogatory towards anyone, and I try to never, ever comment on whether someone's supposedly looking 'ugly' or 'fat' or something ridiculous, instead trying to focus on complimenting someone on looking like an absolute dream.
Sometimes I get it wrong and sometimes people don't agree, but hey - at least I'm trying. And I would never, EVER lie in my work. Let's not tar all journalists with the same brush, eh?
That got a bit deep. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.
Alright, I'm blabbered on about nothing of anything importance for long enough so I'll end it here.
Oh, and don't worry. I'm not gonna start chucking my driving or poling in your face. I'm game for a tweet or whatever every now and then when I've achieved something because we all need to celebrate each other, right? But I just cannot stand being told every. Single. Time someone hits the gym, or goes for a run, or goes cycling yada yada yada. No. Keep it casj, guys. Chill.
Sorry if this is really boring and no-one cares, but I felt like venting things y'know?
Let me know if you've got some goals for the year or if, like me, you've got a mild addiction to leftover Christmas chocolates. I'm on Twitter - @rachelpilcher :)
Thanks, and 'til next time,
Rach x
Me, My Life & I
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Sunday, 4 January 2015
New Year's Resolutions
Resolution No. 1 - Start using this blog again.
Totally clichéd I know, but I'm quite honestly appalled at how much I've neglected this outlet for the past six months or so. It's not that I just can't be bothered (oh alright, SOMETIMES it is), but I really haven't had the time and I didn't want to warble on about something totally irrelevant just for the sake of it.
So, since I'm supposedly starting the whole 'New Year, New Me' thing tomorrow by obviously losing weight, never ever procrastinating, looking after my skin more etc etc, I figured it was as good a time as ever to make some sort of non-spectacular comeback and talk about that thing that looms over everyone's head as December draws near.
Originally, this was going to be some sort of self-indulgent post about all the resolutions I've made for 2015, how I'm totally going to succeed and how it's going to be the best year ever. Of course. But once I got talking to one of my closest friends about what the heck I was going to write it, she made me realise two things.
Firstly, the fact that aside from losing weight and procrastinating less, I really had made NO resolutions. And secondly, why should I feel so pressured to turn over a new leaf in 2015?
In fact, pressure's probably the reason I can't think to particularly change about myself this year. Sure, I've got things I want to achieve - driving, goals in work etc etc. But why should we feel like we HAVE to find something to change/achieve/do JUST because we're told we're should. If you feel passionate about doing something and changing for the better then I'm right behind you of course, I wish you all the best and I hope you can stick to it and achieve it this year. Insert some sort of encouraging emoji here.
However, if you're choosing to 'try' something just because somewhere, someone or some website has told you to, then are you REALLY going to stick to it? Do you really WANT to do it? Are you doing it just to please someone other than yourself?
My friend made a really good point when I was still procrastinating over whether to do this. She questioned why we all wait until the New Year to make a change. If we put on a little weight from indulging in exotic foods and/or chips on holiday, we don't make a 'holiday resolution' to lose weight. We either choose to do it when we come home or we don't. Simples.
Life is far too short to be making resolutions and feeling completely guilty when we break them. Good luck if you're really determined to do something, but don't feel like you need to have a list as long as your arm of things you need to do this year. Just take it as it comes and live in the moment. My friend told me "resolutions are aspirations that people have that should come about in their lives." I like that.
Sorry this got a bit deep, but I couldn't come back with any old crap could I? If you need me, I'll probably be here tomorrow afternoon, ruining my resolution as I stuff my face full of chocolate.
Totally clichéd I know, but I'm quite honestly appalled at how much I've neglected this outlet for the past six months or so. It's not that I just can't be bothered (oh alright, SOMETIMES it is), but I really haven't had the time and I didn't want to warble on about something totally irrelevant just for the sake of it.
So, since I'm supposedly starting the whole 'New Year, New Me' thing tomorrow by obviously losing weight, never ever procrastinating, looking after my skin more etc etc, I figured it was as good a time as ever to make some sort of non-spectacular comeback and talk about that thing that looms over everyone's head as December draws near.
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Highlight from 2014 - MALTA |
Originally, this was going to be some sort of self-indulgent post about all the resolutions I've made for 2015, how I'm totally going to succeed and how it's going to be the best year ever. Of course. But once I got talking to one of my closest friends about what the heck I was going to write it, she made me realise two things.
Firstly, the fact that aside from losing weight and procrastinating less, I really had made NO resolutions. And secondly, why should I feel so pressured to turn over a new leaf in 2015?
In fact, pressure's probably the reason I can't think to particularly change about myself this year. Sure, I've got things I want to achieve - driving, goals in work etc etc. But why should we feel like we HAVE to find something to change/achieve/do JUST because we're told we're should. If you feel passionate about doing something and changing for the better then I'm right behind you of course, I wish you all the best and I hope you can stick to it and achieve it this year. Insert some sort of encouraging emoji here.
However, if you're choosing to 'try' something just because somewhere, someone or some website has told you to, then are you REALLY going to stick to it? Do you really WANT to do it? Are you doing it just to please someone other than yourself?
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Cool kids in Majorca |
My friend made a really good point when I was still procrastinating over whether to do this. She questioned why we all wait until the New Year to make a change. If we put on a little weight from indulging in exotic foods and/or chips on holiday, we don't make a 'holiday resolution' to lose weight. We either choose to do it when we come home or we don't. Simples.
Life is far too short to be making resolutions and feeling completely guilty when we break them. Good luck if you're really determined to do something, but don't feel like you need to have a list as long as your arm of things you need to do this year. Just take it as it comes and live in the moment. My friend told me "resolutions are aspirations that people have that should come about in their lives." I like that.
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Here's to more nights out with the best lot of friends I could ask for. CHEESY. |
Sorry this got a bit deep, but I couldn't come back with any old crap could I? If you need me, I'll probably be here tomorrow afternoon, ruining my resolution as I stuff my face full of chocolate.
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Making a comeback: Attempt #2 (AKA Holiday Essentials)
About a month ago, I tried to be really funny and clever and make some sort of hilarious comeback on my own blog, which basically ended in a really shoddy past about diddly squat that I was far too embarrassed to let loose on the general public. Yeah, it was pretty atrocious. So, here is attempt numero deux at making some form of 'welcome back' post that isn't completely shit.
I've just returned from a beaut of a holiday to Majorca with some friends, where I got the first tan of my entire life (whut), took part in some hilarious water aerobics, and pretty much just sat by the pool drinking cocktails all day, every day. It looked a bit like this:
Hashtag no filter. Oh alright, maybe on the first one. Anyway, since I am the universe's actual worst packer, I've been thinking all about holiday essentials, especially since I've got to pack for two weeks away at the end of August which I'm actually dreading. If anyone wants to come help, holler at me.
Since I'm whacking this out late on Sunday, I can't guarantee anything fancy or well put-together here, but we'll give it a shot. LEGGO:
This has turned unnecessarily long and that's all I can think of for now, but I might come back to this if I think of anything more that's needed.
Please comment below which anything you can't go on holiday without :)
Love y'all
I've just returned from a beaut of a holiday to Majorca with some friends, where I got the first tan of my entire life (whut), took part in some hilarious water aerobics, and pretty much just sat by the pool drinking cocktails all day, every day. It looked a bit like this:
Hashtag no filter. Oh alright, maybe on the first one. Anyway, since I am the universe's actual worst packer, I've been thinking all about holiday essentials, especially since I've got to pack for two weeks away at the end of August which I'm actually dreading. If anyone wants to come help, holler at me.
Since I'm whacking this out late on Sunday, I can't guarantee anything fancy or well put-together here, but we'll give it a shot. LEGGO:
- SUNCREAM. Ok, let's start with the obvious. If you're going somewhere where sun exists, you're gonna need to be whacking the stuff on. My top tip for suncream is to start high-ish (I started around 40 but I have the skin of a ghost so 30's probably fine) and then work your way down. Probably pretty quickly if you're anything like my mother.
- AFTER SUN. Another pretty obvious one, but it's a godsend of a creation, even for the slightest of sunburns. Really good for getting moisture back in the skin too and doubles as an everyday moisturiser. I've always used a Nivea one, just because it's never let me down and is incredibly moisturising:
- EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: Shampoo, conditioner, deodrant etc etc. Blindingly obvious, but if you don't write it down, chances are you'll forget. Easy to pick up at the airport if you want, but I always nip to Primark for empty bottle set. Only £1 and saves spending more on new shampoos. OH, and do not forget a TOOTHBRUSH and TOOTHPASTE.
- PASSPORT and TRAVEL INSURANCE DOCUMENTS and MOOLAH. Yeah, probably naht a good idea to leave these behind.
- FIRST AID TYPE KIT. Just make sure you've got a good selection of essential medicines like ibuprofen, paracetamol, bug bite cream, Imodium and stuff like that, just in case.
- SUN PROTECTING SPRAY. I swear by Charles Worthington's Takeaways Sun-Shine UV Protection Spray for keeping my hair looking not too shabby in the heat, especially since I dip-dyed it. Spray on before you hit the pool, and again once you've been in water. The shampoo and conditioner counterparts are pretty awesome too.
- iPod SPEAKERS: When you're getting ready for just about anything, it's always good to have a banging' playlist on, so make sure one person brings some speakers. Oh, and get someone to create some sort of holiday playlist to keep everyone happy.
- SUNGLASSES: Obviously, but essential. A cheap pair is good for going in the sea, but I think it's worth investing in a decent pair to get the best protection for your eyeballs.
- MAKE-UP. Waterproof mascara is an absolute must, so you don't look like the joker when you glide effortlessly out the pool/sea/unexpected downpours. I'd also highly recommend BB Cream, and I swear by this Maybelline one for £7.99. I don't like putting much make-up on abroad as it feels so heavy, so this BB cream is a godsend, and is perfect for putting on round the pool too, as it contains sun protection. Also, bear in mind that with a tan, your normal make-up might not fit, so don't go too cray cray. Sun protection Vaseline or Nivea Sun Protect stick for lips are also highly recommended to save from nasty sunburnt lips.
- SHOES: Alright, here's where it gets tough for me. I normally bring abut 5 pairs too many, but on an essential level, I'd opt for some flip flops, a couple of pairs of sandals, perhaps a pair of nicer wedged heels for any nights out. You could chuck in a pair of espadrilles in you're not a sandals fan, and I've also just fallen in love with jelly shoes which are AMAZING. I have these ones from New Look, which are £9.99 and only gave me blisters at home. Sounds bad, but I walked over two hours in them (an hour each on separate days) and they didn't hurt one iota.
- CLOTHES: Again, this is pretty subjective, but as long as you've got a couple of bikinis or swimsuits, some underwear and enough outfits to last, you'll be good to go. I always take a few cover-ups for if you want to pop out to the shops too - kimonos are a new favourite of mine, because you can also add them to other outfits to jazz them up. Perfect for a bit of cover up if it gets a bit chiller in the evenings. I always over pack outfits for choice, but a good variety of day and night options will be perfect, in case you plan any day trips and whatnot. A couple of dresses/playsuits, a couple of pairs of shorts and some tees will see you through. OH, and a good hat is a wonderful idea too. So is jewellery. AGH.
Supermarkets abroad are pretty damn good, so don't worry about food or anything if you're going self-catering. 6l of water was about 6Euros in Majorca, so stock up. The alcohol was surprisingly cheap as well, so if you forget any, ne panique pas. Just drink Sangria and Pina Coladas and forget the rest. OO, reading material - Pack a good book/magazine for pool times.
This has turned unnecessarily long and that's all I can think of for now, but I might come back to this if I think of anything more that's needed.
Please comment below which anything you can't go on holiday without :)
Love y'all
Friday, 6 December 2013
Featured Post: Mallzee App
So, it's been a horribly, disgustingly long time since I lasted blogged, and I can only offer sincerest apologies. I am trying to do a post ASAP about what the heck I've been up to recently (nothing too amazingly life-changing, soz and all). BUT, for now, I am here to let you all know about something that miiiiiight just interest you.
A while back, I started spreading the word about Mallzee, a brand new shopping experience that's completely tailored to you. Now, the lovely Laura from Mallzee has told me they've done so well (they were named one of sMarta’s top 10 Mobile Businesses of the year in 2013 don't'cha know), they've developed their own iPhone app. Halle-freakin-lujah!
Being hailed as the Tinder for clothes and a 'personal shopper in your pocket' (I've always wanted one of those), the app searches over two MILLION items of clothing (yep, that's two ruddy million) from over 200 top retailers to learn YOUR style and find you the clothes you actually want. Pretty much the dream app if you're tired of searching through pages and pages of clothes that don't interest you at all right? You can rate or hate the clothes you see from major fashion faves including ASOS, Topshop and Urban Outfitters, to find your perfect Christmas party outfit faster than you can say 'I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!'
PLUS, much like the website, the Mallzee app also lets you share outfits you've found with your friends to gain that all important second opinion. AND because Mallzee knows how important second opinions are, it won't let you buy anything until your friends agree. A bit like persuading my Mum I NEED those heels before she decides they're a suitable purchase (would've got them anyway but y'know. Context, people).
Just in case you still aren't persuaded (c'maaaaan people), CEO and founder of Mallzee in 2012, Cally Russell, had this to say about why he created Mallzee: “in the modern day, as people have less and less time to spare, we wanted to create a product where people could quickly find clothes that suited them. We search over 200 top brands to create an effortlessly simple online shopping experience- just like a personal shopper in your pocket. there shall be no more trawling through hundreds of pages of clothes online, thanks to Mallzee.”
So why now?: “Now’s the perfect time for Mallzee to be available to everyone. We’ll make sure we find you the perfect outfit to keep you looking stylish this festive season and ensure your Christmas party is a roaring success.”
Let's all join together for a great big thanks guys. THANKS.
So, get downloading the free app right now. Trust me, you are gonna LOVE it.
Mallzee, the iPhone app revolutionising the way the world shops, is launching fully to the public this week in time to save you from Christmas party fashion disasters. The iPad version will be released before Christmas.
*DISCLAIMER: I am not receiving any money for this post, merely spreading the word of a unique new shopping experience!
A while back, I started spreading the word about Mallzee, a brand new shopping experience that's completely tailored to you. Now, the lovely Laura from Mallzee has told me they've done so well (they were named one of sMarta’s top 10 Mobile Businesses of the year in 2013 don't'cha know), they've developed their own iPhone app. Halle-freakin-lujah!
Being hailed as the Tinder for clothes and a 'personal shopper in your pocket' (I've always wanted one of those), the app searches over two MILLION items of clothing (yep, that's two ruddy million) from over 200 top retailers to learn YOUR style and find you the clothes you actually want. Pretty much the dream app if you're tired of searching through pages and pages of clothes that don't interest you at all right? You can rate or hate the clothes you see from major fashion faves including ASOS, Topshop and Urban Outfitters, to find your perfect Christmas party outfit faster than you can say 'I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!'
PLUS, much like the website, the Mallzee app also lets you share outfits you've found with your friends to gain that all important second opinion. AND because Mallzee knows how important second opinions are, it won't let you buy anything until your friends agree. A bit like persuading my Mum I NEED those heels before she decides they're a suitable purchase (would've got them anyway but y'know. Context, people).
Just in case you still aren't persuaded (c'maaaaan people), CEO and founder of Mallzee in 2012, Cally Russell, had this to say about why he created Mallzee: “in the modern day, as people have less and less time to spare, we wanted to create a product where people could quickly find clothes that suited them. We search over 200 top brands to create an effortlessly simple online shopping experience- just like a personal shopper in your pocket. there shall be no more trawling through hundreds of pages of clothes online, thanks to Mallzee.”
So why now?: “Now’s the perfect time for Mallzee to be available to everyone. We’ll make sure we find you the perfect outfit to keep you looking stylish this festive season and ensure your Christmas party is a roaring success.”
Let's all join together for a great big thanks guys. THANKS.
So, get downloading the free app right now. Trust me, you are gonna LOVE it.
Mallzee, the iPhone app revolutionising the way the world shops, is launching fully to the public this week in time to save you from Christmas party fashion disasters. The iPad version will be released before Christmas.
*DISCLAIMER: I am not receiving any money for this post, merely spreading the word of a unique new shopping experience!
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