Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Tall Ships- Plate Tectonics

Back writing for Rocklouder, and again I've found myself a new artist that I enjoy. Definitely worth a listen.

‘Plate tectonics’ is the second single to be released from ‘Tall Ships’’ second EP, ‘There is nothing but chemistry here.” Formed in Brighton, the three-piece have gained much praise from the likes of NME and Huw Stephens, already awarding them a Maida Vale back in October last year.  The follow-up to ‘Chemistry’ doesn’t disappoint.
The track immediately starts with an upbeat melody accompanied by smooth vocals, setting up a feel for the rest of the track. The melody is the real focus, as everything works together to create something which is practically flawless, yet still feels raw. That said, the lyrics shouldn’t be ignored. Relationships are compared to Geography- “we collide into each other like tectonic plates-” and the idea of being “in love and lost” is vocalised. Halfway through the track, things hit a climax and turn slightly darker, though the main melody is still kept, highlighting their versatility. It’s here that their true talent is seen, as their instrumental skills are laid bare with little vocal interference. It becomes apparent why they are a crowd favourite, as the melody is obviously big enough to unite an entire audience.
Tall Ships are clearly on the right path to success. Expect big things.


Fox Newton said...

This is a great review of a great track!

They released a video for it this weekend too:

Unknown said...

Thank you :) Love the video!