Friday, 12 August 2011


If you go into my room, you'll quickly find out that I buy A LOT of CDs. I spend as much money on CDs as I do on clothes, and that's saying something (mainly screaming 'THIS IS WHY YOU'RE IN YOUR OVERDRAFT', but I try to drown that voice out). As is the norm these days, the album quickly hits my iPod and the CD goes straight in the CD rack. For no specific reason, other than perhaps laziness, I never really make time to properly sit down and listen to my new purchases (always plural, always). Yes, in time, I do hear all the songs, but once I've listened once I tend to move on and rarely revisit. So I've decided to change this. I'm not sure it's really a challenge, 'cos it's gonna be quite fun, but I couldn't think of another way to describe it.

In the next few weeks, I will go through my music collection and take the time to listen to all those albums I've been too lazy/busy/whatever to listen to properly. I know I've got some real gems in there, so I refuse to let my money go to waste. I will report back with a review each time, which in itself is good 'cos I feel like I haven't written a review in aaaages.

'Til next time...

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