So. Day One. Home from university for a few weeks, decided to start sorting my room out in preparation for the inevitable panic that will hit when I realise that all my accumulated stuff will not fit back in my room, as you can see from the chaos below. Hashtag hoarder.
Yes, that is a whole box of CDs [middle top], in addition to the two almost completely full CD stands [bottom left]... just in case anyone was in doubt of my near obsession with music. The first thing I found was a whole stash of photo albums, which, as you can probably predict, completely screwed up my tidying plans, and provided me with hours of entertaining. This is a selection of my favourite baby photos of myself...
There are many things I learnt from these pictures:
1 - I had excellent fashion sense, even from a young age. Just take a look at those amazing hats [unfortunately some of the top left picture has been cut out, but I assure you, it was a beaut]! My favourite has to be the velvety burgundy creation I apparently wore to the park [middle picture], which went beautifully with those dungarees.
2 -
3 - I have always loved my food. And, as you can see top right, I also like to take regular naps after I eat.
The thing that struck me most, however, came from organising all the books I own. As you can see below with books like the Winnie the Pooh collection, a Roald Dahl trilogy and a very large pile of Jacqueline Wilson books, I used to adore reading as a child, but somewhere along the way, that love dwindled, and so I have very few 'adult' books to read.
It'd be great to blame university life for the disappearance of my reading habit, but there's definitely more to it than that, and I really want to get my read back on. If you've got any suggestions, please feel free to comment below! I'd also just like to point out that less than an hour after I did all of this, that whole bookshelf fell of the wall, hitting an apple and making it explode, but luckily not harming anything/one else. It could only happen to me...
This is just a brief 'about me' introduction, and hopefully posts will get far more interesting from here on in!
Love this post! So personal and cute... such a great direction for your blog :) x
Hehe thank you!! Much appreciated :) x
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