Friday, 5 July 2013

My Week in Pictures #3

This is more like 'two weeks in pictures,' but I thought I'd show off the two main events that have dominated the past couple of weeks- our holiday to Tenerife (TAKE ME BACK) and my amazing graduation (AHHHH!!!!). The reality that university is completely and utterly over for good has yet to hit me, meaning I am completely in denial that I need to get some form of job (although if anyone wants to employ me, I won't say no!). Enjoy...


I won't describe these collages, as they're pretty self-explanatory. I'll be honest, most of my Tenerife photos are of food and drink, and it was down to my housemates to get the lovely group ones. This is a quick look at how our holiday went, from the delicious food (see tapas and ice cream) and cocktails, to the gorgeous views and just having a great relaxing time together (all together now... AWWW). 


Again, won't be explaining but here is a snapshot of my graduation. Amazing day all round!

There are more photos of my holiday and my graduation on my Instagram feed if you fancy a ganders, with more to be added I'm sure. I'm hoping to put up a feed on the side of this blog too (when I figure out how) so keep an eye out for that :)

Enjoy your weekend! 

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