Just like to point out that I'm finding it hard to concentrate on writing this blog because I can't stop watching and 'aww'-ing at this:
This is actually kinda appropriate for this post though.
Since I started University last September, my music taste seems to have changed quite dramatically. Before Uni, I was probably the definition of a 'NME Kid,' never really listening to anything past indie etc. I hated most chart-y music (note: most, I had my guilty pleasures), and most my money went on concerts, CDs, band t-shirts etc. I also had that nu-rave phase... yes, I did wear some stunning neon trousers and cover myself in glowsticks for concerts. Don't judge. I still do spend the majority of my money on CDs, and went I can spare some money, concerts, but I have branched out my music tastes.
Nowadays, if it's in the charts, I know the words to it and it's played in a club on a regularly basis, the chances are I will love it (with exceptions. I do still have some musical taste). For example, I would probably have hated any boyband before University, but now, I'm pretty obsessed with One Direction and The Wanted, and I love JLS. If What Makes You Beautiful comes on in a club, I will sing my heart out, no questions asked. I can pretty much guarantee that everyone else will also be singing every single word. Why? I don't know.
I'm not sure if it's a sign of our generation, of general university life, or of the influence of friends. I do still love my less-chart-y stuff (I'm in love with Lana Del Rey (I know she's pretty bleedin' radio friendly at the moment), Bon Iver and Ben Howard at the moment), but I've become more open to the pop music that has taken over the chart at the moment. I used to call it a guilty pleasure, but if it's really good pop, then I'm not ashamed to like it. I'm actually glad I've opened my mind to other music, because I think I was stuck in a bit of a rut.
So, does a change in environments, such as going to university, change our musical tastes? Is it a conscious decision? I'm not sure. But I'm going to blame university, and clubs... our union in particularly. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and unashamedly listen to One Direction's album.
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